If you need legal assistance with building your family through Assisted Reproduction or Adoption, don’t let cost be a barrier. I may be able to help you based on a sliding scale. Please reach out.
40% Discount – You regularly struggle to meet basic needs like food, housing, and transportation. You live paycheck to paycheck without emergency savings. You earn a limited or low wage, have no reasonable way of increasing your earnings, and do not have connections who could financially support your legal costs.
20% Discount – You occasionally struggle to meet basic needs (e.g., food, housing, transportation). You don’t have much saved for extras or emergencies and you rarely buy new things because of cost. Paying legal costs would stretch your budget, but you would still be able to meet your basic needs. Your family, friends, and community have limited means to be able to assist you.
5% Discount – Offered to any member of the BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ community (by request).
Posted Rate – You may have to tighten your budget to pay legal expenses, but you do not struggle to meet your basic needs. You have a bit of money saved for extras and emergencies. You can sometimes afford to take planned vacations or time off. You might have debt, but your debt does not prevent you from covering your basic expenses.
Optional Donation Above Listed Rate – If you are in a position of financial privilege and wish to make an additional payment above the listed fee, this will allow me to continue to offer sliding fees to all who need them. Consider paying above the listed fee if you would not need to cut back on extras or make any sacrifices to afford your own medical or legal costs. You may own multiple properties, be able to take frequent trips without needing to budget, or have a plentiful, passive source of income.